25 August 2015

Having the Strength and Knowledge on When to Stop

Injuries... They are tough for everyone. Things that all athletes hope to never get but eventually always will.  Injuries are an inevitable fact in the life of endurance athletes.  We push the limits of our bodies day in and day out.  Sometimes we go a bit too far and the body breaks down.

The auto accident I got in last year caused a massive amount of scar tissue in my calf and ankle.  This tightened ligaments in the foot which caused an eventual tear.  I did not take care of my body as much as I should have with the amount of training.  It eventually decided to give out and I tore a ligament in my foot.  It is not a major ligament and with rest I hope to be back racing and training in the fall.

The constant foot pain started in May after the Cary Du.  I was in a pretty serious training block that tore my body apart.  I fought through the pain for a couple weeks until I finally crumbled and saw a local podiatrist.  He recommended taking a full two weeks off to recover.  He thought that there was a torn ligament at this point.  So, I begrudgingly listened to the doctor and took two full weeks off from training.  The pain subsided but did not fully go away.  The two weeks ended so I picked training back up... even with the pain.

The training started to pick back up in preparation for the National Championship.  I battled through tough workouts leaving me hunched over in pain.  I mentioned stuff to my coach here and there but figured it would get better.  I went to a second doctor for his opinion.  He thought it was just some scar tissue build up.  He gave me some mobility work and said he would see me in a couple weeks.  I followed the mobility plan to a 'T' but alas it did not solve my problem...  I returned to the doctor after my win at Sylvania because of no improvement.  He took some pictures of my bones and determined that it was most likely a torn ligament.  Two doctors and one diagnosis.  He prescribed me a carbon insole and to continue training if I could.  Well... it took awhile to get the insole and in the mean time I taped my foot up for training.  The tape only holds for a couple miles though.  After that it is just consistent damage to the injured foot.  This past weekend I had a big training block which destroyed my foot to a point of no return.  My coach, Scott Proscia of IREP Athletics, and I made the tough decision to remove the aggravation and try to recover. This means that there will most likely not be a National Championship for me this year.  I need to focus on recovery so I can come back strong next year.  

This will definitely not be my last blog post for the year though! I will continue to update everybody on my recovery and training plan.  I still hope for exciting things to come! 

Remember to stay positive and roll with the punches.

Until next time

Stay Strong, Stay Determined